Basic structure of square batteries: a typical square high Lithium ion battery, important composition components include: top cover, shell, positive plate, negative plates, and stacks, stacks, insulation parts, safety components, etc. Among them, the two in the red circle are the security structure, NSD acupuncture safety device; OSD over charge protection device.
Acupuncture safety protection device (NAILSAFETYDEVICE). This is a metal layer with a metal layer on the outside, such as copper thin slices. When acupuncture occurs, the local large current that appears in the acupuncture position through large -scale copper thin pieces quickly reduce the current of the unit area, which can prevent the acupuncture position from being overheated and slowed down the heat control of the battery.
high Lithium battery manufacturers believe that overcharging safety protection device (OSD, OverchargesaFETYDEVICE) can be seen on many batteries on many batteries. Generally, a metal thin piece. With Fuse, FUSE can be designed to the positive album. When it is overcharged, the pressure appears inside the battery to trigger the internal short circuit of OSD, and the instantaneous current appears, which makes the Fuse melt, thereby cutting off the internal current circuit of the battery. The shells are generally steel or aluminum shells. With the market's pursuit of energy density and the advancement of production technology, aluminum shells gradually become mainstream.
Square battery features: square batteries are a dynamic high Lithium battery form that was promoted earlier in China. Data in 2016 showed that the output of domestic cylinders, soft bags, and square high Lithium -ion batteries was 13.92GWh, 21.64GWh, and 28.14GWh, respectively, accounting for 21.85%, 33.97%, and 44.17%, respectively. The square battery has re -attracted the attention of the market.
Advantages, high degree of reliability of square battery packaging; high system energy efficiency; relatively light weight, high energy density; simple structure and relatively convenient expansion, which is currently an important option to increase energy density by improving the unit capacity; The system composition is relatively simple, making it possible to monitor the monomer one by one; another benefit brought by the system simply is that the stability is relatively good. The disadvantage is that because the square high Lithium ion battery can be customized according to the size of the product, there are tens of thousands of models on the market, but because there are too many models, the process is difficult to unified; Large, in large -scale applications, the system life span is much lower than the single life.
Guide the size of the battery cells may not have a particularly obvious effect in a short period of time. Some people even think that at this time give guidance, it will restrain the development of the industry, and change the product size. For the production of the battery cell The problem of mold has a great impact. However, as a recommendation standard, as long as it is a tendency to prepare newer production capacity and manufacturer adjustment of production lines. In the long run, it will inevitably be promoted to the development of specifications in the direction of series. The consistency of the battery and the module is the prerequisite for the realization of steps. As for the technical route may have a leap in the future, in fact, it does not affect the effort to move forward to visible goals before leaping.
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