Lithium battery manufacturers: Different electrolyte data used in lithium ion batteries, lithium-ion batteries are divided into liquiFiedlithIn-Inbattery (LIB) and polymer lithium-ion battery (PLB) or plastic Lithium -ion battery (PLBICLITHIUMIONBATTERIES (PLB). The positive and negative data used for polymer lithium -ion batteries is the same as liquid lithium ions. The positive information is divided into lithium cobaltate, lithium manganate, ternary data and lithium iron phosphate data. Essence The primary difference is that the electrolyte is different. The liquid lithium ion battery uses liquid electrolytes, and the polymer lithium -ion battery is replaced by the electrolyte of solid polymer. In most, most of the polymer gel electrolyte is used.
Polymer lithium battery classification:
The electrolyte of the solid polymer electrolytic lithium ion battery is a mixture of polymers and salt. The ion conductivity of this battery at room temperature is high and can be used at room temperature.
Gel polymer electrolytic lithium -ion batteries, adding plasticizers and other additives to the electrolyte of the solid polymer, thereby improving the ion conductivity and allowing the battery to be used at room temperature.
Because the solid electrolyte is used to replace the liquid electrolyte, compared with the liquid lithium ion battery, the polymer lithium -ion battery has the advantages of thinness and shaping, freezing area, and arbitrary shape. Improving the ratio of the entire battery; the polymer lithium -ion battery can also choose high molecules for positive information, and its quality ratio will improve more than 20%compared to the current liquid lithium ion battery.
Polymer lithium battery principle:
Lithium ion batteries now have two types: liquid lithium ion battery (LIB) and polymer lithium -ion battery (PLB). Among them, liquid lithium -ion battery refers to the secondary and negative secondary battery of the LI+embedded compound. Lithium compound LICOO2, Linio2 or LIMN2O4, negative use of lithium -carbon layer interductive compound LIXC6, typical battery system is:
The principle of polymer lithium -ion battery is the same as liquid lithium. The primary difference is that the electrolyte is different from liquid lithium. The primary structure of the battery includes three elements: positive, negative and electrolyte. The so -called polymer lithium -ion battery is to say that at least one or more of these three primary structures are used as the primary battery system. In the lithium -lyric battery system developed now, polymer data is mainly applied to positive and electrolyte.
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