Carbon aluminum foil is made of composite slurry and high -purity electronic aluminum foil, mainly conductive carbon, which is made of metastatic coating process.
Power -type lithium battery of fine particle active substances
Positive Extreme Ayle -Iron Iron
Triproxy/lithium manganate
Used for supercapacitors, lithium -once batteries (lithium, lithium manganese, lithium iron, buckle, etc.) to replace etching aluminum foil
Inhibit battery polarization, reduce thermal effects, and improve the performance;
Reduce the internal resistance of the battery and significantly reduce the dynamic internal resistance of the cycle process;
Improve consistency and increase the cycle life of the battery;
Improve the adhesion of active substances and collecting flows, and reduce the cost of manufacturing;
Protect the liquid fluid is not corroded by electrolytic liquid;
Improve the high and low temperature performance of lithium iron phosphate batteries, and improve the processing performance of lithium iron phosphate and lithium titanate materials.
Suggestal parameter
The active substance D50 corresponding to coated is not greater than 4 ~ 5 μm, and the compact density is not more than 2.25g/cm, and the surface area is within a range of 13 ~ 18㎡/g.
Storage requirements: In environments with a temperature of 20 ± 5 ° C and a humidity of no more than 50%, the erosion of air and water vapor must be avoided during transportation;
This product is divided into two types of A and B. The key features of each are: the appearance of A is black, the thickness of the conventional coating is double -sided 4 ~ 8 μm, and the conductive performance is more prominent. The thickness is 2 ~ 3 μm, and the coating area can be welded less layer of welding, and the machine can be applied to identify the jump gap;
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